Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hello Sunday.

Sunday mornings I look forward to a healthy (or not?) serving of eggs and toast, cup of coffee, and a magazine...Bliss:

a typical sunday morning meal

But, then, Sunday after Sunday pile up, leaving me with piled up tear-sheets from my magazines, which eventually results in this (biannual) Sunday activity...:

Abbish is kind enough to help me rise with kisses and assures me that the breakfast room is gloriously lit with sun and Mr. and Mrs Red Finch are soon to arrive to say hello, and again, some scrambled eggs, toast, coffee and page upon page of beautiful spaces await their sorting...Good morning Sunday. Hello:)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy Equal Night!

Today is the Equinox, when the center of the sun is indeed aligned with the center of earth, creating a nearly equal day and night. Pret-ty cool. That kind of perfection reminds me of flowers....Every time I look at a flower, I just can't believe sometimes how perfect they are! It really is amazing! Some of my most favorites are Cosmos and Poppies, very similar; weighty heads that sway and shift in the wind, with papery petals and silly little stems. They are so animated, I think.

This is a Cosmos I photographed in Golden Gate park back in 2007 and a Poppy in a front yard (!) in 2009.

So here's to celebrating a "perfectly" balanced day....!

cosmos in gg park, 2007

poppy in sf front yard, 2009

Sunday, March 18, 2012

"Getting started"....A new adventure

Let's assume that this has to be the overall, broad, umbrella, all encompassing and general theme for me this year. FOR REAL. It is a theme of both hope and anticipation, like my sunny apartment every morning when I wake; the day is full of potential! It implies the point is in the trying, the doing, not necessarily the result. And if I know myself, in order to remain feeling capable and ready, I just need to focus on the doing (ugh!)...and the rest shall come...

So with this in mind, and for unknown reasons (perhaps I was procrastinating on doing my taxes), today I am FINALLY beginning my blog! Yea! So to all those out there that will perhaps occasionally tune in, thank you for visiting and letting me share my musings on what I see, hear, and feel out there...whoo hoo!

Today's first and beginning post comes from a typical lazy sunday afternoon with me and my coveted design magazines from Europe. Too bad, so sad we here can't subscribe, as they cost a fortune! I was captivated by these stunning vessels by Derek Wilson: simple, graphic, and tactile with their matte glaze and functional white "stripe." I am a sucker for a pretty vessel, as many well know, and these are no exception! You may see his site here. Enjoy!

....and I think this is really going to be fun :)

Object collection by derek wilson