Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy Equal Night!

Today is the Equinox, when the center of the sun is indeed aligned with the center of earth, creating a nearly equal day and night. Pret-ty cool. That kind of perfection reminds me of flowers....Every time I look at a flower, I just can't believe sometimes how perfect they are! It really is amazing! Some of my most favorites are Cosmos and Poppies, very similar; weighty heads that sway and shift in the wind, with papery petals and silly little stems. They are so animated, I think.

This is a Cosmos I photographed in Golden Gate park back in 2007 and a Poppy in a front yard (!) in 2009.

So here's to celebrating a "perfectly" balanced day....!

cosmos in gg park, 2007

poppy in sf front yard, 2009

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